sábado, 3 de abril de 2010

save chuck !

Jeff Barnes: We're staging a revolution here.
John Casey: I want in!
Lester Patel: How do we know we can trust you, son? That you're not some kind of spy for the Man.
John Casey: Because the only thing I hate more than hippy neo-liberal facists anarchists, are the hypocrit fat cat suits they eventually become!
Save Chuck!!! :)

2 comentários:

tadeu disse...

que surpresa agradável!
um blogue da minha série favorita :)
juntos, seremos muitos! :)

Kyle disse...

Divulga ae pessoal, para o blog andar e ter mais petições: http://salvechucknbc.blogspot.com/

Publishes e staff, walk to the blog and have more petitions:
